William us getting so big. I remember when Karrina use to play in Kaileb's baby stuff. Kaileb still wants to sit in baby things but now he gets stuck...lol. It is nice to see that William is similar to my own babies.
The mom said that she is working hard to care for her 3 boys with her mother's help. I know she can do it but she is tired, only a couple more years of that :-) But she is very happy to have three healthy boys.
I have some incredibly news! A company contacted me to purchase my milk! They only work with surrogates that are not providing a baby with milk. I am in the qualifying process so we will see how it goes but, I am supper excited to help out little babies and have ongoing financial help. I will update.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Oh big brother...
Monday, March 4, 2013
A dat at the beach
I received pictures of our Chinese family today! They took William to the beach for the first time and he loved it!
I feel many things when I look at these pictures. First that I could of had a 2 year old running around but that was not God's plan. Then if I had not been their surrogate they would not have William on this trip and they would have very different lives. And lastly, I cannot believe that God used me to give them a baby, better yet, three babies! God is so awesome! I am so happy that He was able to use me to help this couple become a family. Through this, God also gave me great friends that have helped me to know what a good relationship should be. This has shown me how much God loves me even though I am not perfect I am still worth working on.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Bye bye
Thursday, January 24, 2013
A good talk
There is many things that I like about the parents being here but the best thing is the talks that I have with the Dad. We were talking tonight and he told me why he picked me to be their surrogate. He had 5 women to choose from and he read the Q&A from each. He said that my answers touched his heart because he thought I wanted to be a surrogate for the right reasons. He also said that when he saw our family picture my husband scared him a little....lol...because of his earrings and skull shirts. We had a great laugh because the Mom tells the Dad that he should be more like my husband. She thinks he is a great father and husband. It is nice that she sees how great my husband is but her husband is pretty great too.
We talked over the plans for their trip back to China. It is very sad for both of us to talk about them leaving. He tells me being here he almost forgets about his business life in China when he is here. The parents both like the slower life here in America. I hope that they one day have a house here and can stay as long as they want. Of course we love to visit them in China but it is very hard for the Dad to not think about work and enjoy our company when he is in China.
I wish I could have deep conversations with the Mom but I need to learn more chinese before that can happen. Right now we are able to tell each other what we need but we have to go through the Dad if we want to talk about anything more than that. It is ok though we still love each other and one day we will be able to have conversation.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
A month old
It has been a month since the babies have been born. They are so cute and tiny still like little dolls. They have gained a pound and an inch each since they have been born. Since the babies are one month old today it is tradition to eat very long noodles with family for dinner. I am glad that we get to be apart of this tradition for the babies. With William they left just before he turn a month old.
I am recovering pretty good. My swelling is going down and I can now feel the staples that they put in me through my skin...icky! I know, but they should disintegrate soon. I normally do not get fevers but I have had a fever twice this week. Once I think was from a 24 hour flu and the other I think I had a blockage in a duct, it really hurt but is feeling much better now. Using a pump is much different than breast feeding because the pump does not suck exactly like a baby so it is easier to get a blockage. I hope I can keep the flow going.
The parents are doing well with taking care of both babies. The father takes night duty and the mom takes day duty. It is great to see them get to know their babies. Andrew looks just like their brother William and eats like him too. I did not realize when William was born how much he looked like his mom but Michael looks so much like his dad next to Andrew it is very pronounced. The twins are so different in many ways. Even though Michael looks like his dad he has his mother's appetite. He eats 2 oz while his brother, Andrew who is much more vocal about when he thinks he should be fed eats 3.5 oz. They are both great babies only fussing when they are hungry. I hope it stays that way after tomorrow when they get their circumcision...ekk!
It is so nice having the parents here. They help with dishes and laundry...the mom folded our laundry, gave it to me and it was still hot! I have never folded laundry that fast! They say that they don't cook but they have been cooking for us about every other night and it is delicious! Very different than Chinese food here in America. They say they don't cook at home but its not that they can't cook its that they have someone else who can do it like grandma or grandpa. It is so fun to share dishes with them from around the world, America is a smorgasbord of cultures. I am glad to eat all sorts of food no matter who cooks it :-)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Ups and downs
The babies are still is the hospital. They were doing so well we thought they would be home by now. They both got gas in their tummies so they had to stop eating and were put back on IV. Andrew is eating again and should be off IV today but Michael just started to eat again yesterday. They are still hovering around the 5 pound mark because of all this. The parents are hoping to bring Andrew home soon if everything goes well.
The parents have to take both babies to San Francisco to get the babies their passes to China and they have asked if I can go with them! We will only be there a day but it will be fun, I have only driven through San Francisco once. It is such a cute town with great architecture. I am so glad to be able to help them. I think traveling with two newborns is still daunting to them. This will be their trial run for the trip to China. Small compared to the 14 hour trip to China but I hope both go well.
I am into the 150's! Whoop, whoop! 159 lbs as of yesterday that is 10 pounds under my start weight! Keep it going!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Milk has come in
I pumped this morning and I got 11 oz. of milk! Glad my milk came in. I am doing well on my weight also. Today I am down to 164 lbs! That is 5 pounds under my start weight before I was pregnant. I just want to continue to eat small healthy meals so that I can be healthy. I will be glad when I can start exercising again but I always gain weight when I do. I think my body gains muscle faster than anything, it is loosing the fat that is my issue.
I am feeling so much better today. I put frankincense on last night again and I can actually move around without being in tons of pain and the swelling just keeps going down. I have even stopped taking my Motrin! I hope this keeps up, I was in a lot of pain the day before yesterday. I hate taking pills.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Oh stairs, you are so daunting! I decide to try to climb the stairs yesterday to sleep in my own bed. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. Even going down was ok. I am glad to know I am able but I still do not want to go up or down them that often.
I stopped taking the pain meds the doc gave me, they were making me swell. I would only take 2 or so a day and about 30 minutes after I could even feel my face swelling. Although I am still taking the Motrin. Also I am putting frankincense and Past Tense on my belly to help with swelling and pain. It has made a big difference! It still hurts when I move but I would rather hurt a little more than be swollen and feel weird all over.
I think I am healing ok. I feel my muscles tighten up which freaks me out a little and pains here and there even if I am not moving around. I hope I never have to have a c-section again! I was up walking around at Wal-Mart 2 days after I had my other babies naturaly. Big difference.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Home sweet home
I was released yesterday and it was perfect timing because the parents arrived just as I was released. We went right over to see the babies and they are doing great! They never needed oxygen and now are out of the warmers! They do still have an IV but are weaning off of it the more they eat.
I am so happy they are doing so well! They should be able to get out soon. We found out yesterday it is $7000 per day, per child for their care! It seems crazy to me since they are doing so well to be charging that much.
I was worried about my milk supply not coming in fast enough but it has steadily been growing and I am now pumping 5 oz every 3 hours. I need to keep it up because I know with two growing boys they will need to eat a lot. I am still sore and my belly is still numb but I am able to move a little better each day.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
They are here!
Michael (on the left) was born first on December at 10:07 am weighing 5 lbs and is 18 inches long. Andrew was born at 10:08 am also at 5 lbs but just a little shorter at 17 3/4 inches. The babies are being very good for the doctors at the hospital. They have not needed any oxygen and will try to eat from a bottle tomorrow. The only other thing they need to do to get released is keep their temp regular.
I am doing good I have taken my walk after the epidural wore off and I was finally able to eat. It was not much but I was good since I have not eaten all day. Now it is time to rest.
Hospital stay
So I am not going home until after I deliver these two little boys. I am 6 cm dilated and the contractions are not stopping. I am on magnesium which is not too bad but not fun either. I want to keep these boys in as long as possible I just don't think they are willing to stay.
I talked to the parents and they are upset they will not be here but trust me to do the best for their babies. I am sad that they will not be here for the birth too. I would not want to miss the birth of my child for anything. They are changing their flight so they can come to LV this week.
I am praying that these boy's lungs are developed enough to not be in the NICU. There is no room in the NICU at this hospital so if they need to go they have to be transfered. I wish I knew that before I came in I would of gone to the other hospital. I feel better if we all stay together.
I was checked an hour and a half ago and there is still no word on when or who will do my surgery. My doctor is out of town until Monday and her associate seems like he does not want to do the surgery. That's ok I don't like him n-e-ways but I do need to have the babies before my water breaks. Baby A is still breach and last time we checked both babies had their cords by my cervix which is not good. I came to terms with having a c-section but I am nervous now that my doctor is not going to do the surgery. I know God will take care of me and the babies and I just need to rest in his peace.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
9 contractions in an hour!
Tonight I have had the most contractions thus far, 9 in an hour! I have a monitor system that tracks my contractions for an hour and sends it to a nurse to evaluate me. The nurse is calling my doctor to see what they want me to do. I think I am at my max for meds to be taken at home. The next step is going into the hospital and going magnesium.....she just called back. Doc wants me to go into the hospital.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wiped out
The past two days have been full of contractions and medication. One pill brings my blood pressure down and the other makes my heart race but together they lighten my contractions. It is taking a toll on me to be on these medications and I felt it today. I slept most of the day but it is at night I wish I could just fall asleep but it is hard when you heart is pounding. Just a couple more weeks please!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
32 weeks 5 days
I had an appointment today with an ultrasound. I am 1 cm dilated which is not too big of deal because many women are dilated 1cm at this point and go to 40 weeks. I don't think I will make it to 40 weeks but it gives me some level of comfort. I opted to take the steroids to help the babies lungs ans eyes develop if they come early. Baby A is still breach...that little stinker. Both babies have their cords down by my cervix. That is very bad for natural birth so my doctor said we will have to go with a c-section if everything stays the same. I have come to terms with having a c-section from talking to everyone I can about how their c-section went. I know everyone is different but I have found comfort in hearing how theirs went.
They measured the babies, baby A is 4lbs 11oz and baby B is 4lbs 15 oz, about 5lbs each. This is just an estimate but I feel it is a pretty good one. They have each gained 1lb in two weeks which is normal. I am hoping to have them after Christmas and both weight about 6lbs 8oz. I am kinda excited at the possibility of having the babies on the 27th. I have two nephews born December 27th and how cool would it be to have these babies on the same day! They won't be my baby's but I will never forget their birthday and I get to share a special day with my sisters in law. :-)
As I was driving to my doctors appointment it hit me. I could possibly be in the hospital for Christmas! I almost burst into tears but I decided to hold it in because I did not want to scare my kids by blubbering for no apparent reason. I don't know what I will do if I have to be in the hospital for Christmas but I will know I will be very sad. The days just keep going by so I hope I make it until after Christmas.
If you have a c-section story I would love to hear about it. Post it in the comments.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I was taking a shower and my legs started to feel weird, a weak tingling feeling. So I looked down and my legs were bright red with purple veins running down them! I freaked! I got out of the shower as fast as I could to go lay down. My legs went right back to their normal whiteness quickly and I was ecstatic! I monitored just to be sure that the leg issue did not cause any contractions. I was fine only 4 contractions that hour (that's low for me at this point.).
This weekend was ruff with 2 monitoring at 8 contractions in an hour. I am now on double the medications that I was on before and it is not all fun. Sleeping seams to be evading me even when I use my lavender oil, I feel like my body is quivering and weak. No fun stuff.
I am going to try to do some leg exercises to help strengthen my legs and blood vessels. I can't do anything like squats, which is my go to exercise for legs. Even side leg lifts cause a contraction. So, I am left with laying on my side squeezing my calfs by lifting my foot up and down. It feels good to move my legs and feel the strength in them again. I am very careful to make sure my stomach is relaxed as I "workout." It is more important for me not to be contracting than to exercise. I hope it helps.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
It has been a long journey this pregnancy with more complications than I would of liked. The first transfer dis not work so we tried again and they decide to put in 2 embryos. Low and behold I am pregnant with twins!
The first trimester was uneventful but the second was full of twists and turns. At the beginning of the second trimester I had a massive bleeding episode because a piece of placenta ripped away from my uterus. That was the scariest thing I have ever encountered. I bled for 45 mins straight! It took 3 weeks to fully stop but I was so glad it did. I was on bedrest for the 3 weeks plus a couple extra to just be sure everything was ok. At the end of the second trimester I has an ultrasound to check my cervix and it was just over 1 cm shortened. Your cervix shortens then opens, I should of been over 3 cm at that point. So it was back on bedrest for me.
I am now 32 weeks and still on bedrest. It did not bother me at first because I am always going it was nice to just relax. Now I am so tired of asking everyone to do everything for me. I just want to get up and do it myself. I am also very lonely. I am a very social person and I miss people! My husband has been taking our kids to all their events, which is great but I end up being alone for long periods of time. I can't wait to get back to my normal routine of being with my family all day.
I hope to keep these boys in until 36 weeks at least so they can develop well and their parents can get here. The parents should be here just after Christmas. I am glad they are spending Christmas with their first son before they come here for over a month. They are going to stay with us again for a month after the babies are born so I can pump for them. Just a little boost before they go back to China.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Little Baby Embryo
I hope this little baby embryo gets a helping hand from God,
Their big brother did and he brought great joy to there Mom & Dad,
I would be so privileged to help you come into this world,
I may not get to see you every day but I know you are special in so many ways,
You will bring great joy and have the love to do great things,
You are a blessing God has to ordain and I will be soooooo delighted if he chooses for you to stay.
I find out tomorrow!
Time for the transfer!
We made it to NYC after a layover in DC and now we are waiting to go up stairs. I slept most of the way on the first plane but it was so hard to wake up! I am glad that I had a little nap before we left. I am going to
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I am not my own, I am his.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sore or unusable?
Time to go stab myself.
First shot!
Time for the meds!
I normally do not mind taking meds but I have to stick myself! I have had several friends that have taken this medicine and it hurts! Not looking forward to this :-(
On the good side of things I will have the transfer next Monday the 16th! Finally! I feel like this has taken so long. I pray that the little embryo will take and William can soon have a little brother or sister. The mom want a little girl but are happy with either. So think pink!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Chinese New Year
The parents came to spend Chinese New Year with us. This showed me yet again how much they really love our family. In China all the people go home to spend time with their family for the New Year and they came to see us. They did not bring William with them this time :-( It is ok because we are going to China in February! They offered for us to take a tour of China but we miss them so much that we would rather stay with them for the ten days that we are there. They are already planing to come to America every year to see us and want to take us to Japan on another vacation! It will be nice to have travel buddies :-) on this trip we will go to Shanghai, Honzou, then up to Beijing to see the great wall. It should be a great trip with lots of new experiences. I am nervous to go to another country because of illnesses, strict laws, and the what ifs but I find great comfort in God. God has blessed this journey from the beginning and I have faith that he will be with us in our travels.
I was so excited that the parents were coming I cleaned and organized my entire house. Now I just have to make sure it stays organized. They like our new house much better than our old house and so do I. I am looking forward to owning our own house one day soon, I hope. We will be one step closer to owning our own home this March when we start the process to have another baby for them! I am very glad we can help the same family as we did before because we have such a great connection. There is not a day that goes by that we do not think of their family and I think it is the same for them. They are so greatful and humble and I feel so greatful to them, and hope I am humble too, it is just so nice that we both think of each other so much. I really love them so much that I cannot even explain.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Just having fun
Monday, May 30, 2011
He is soooooooooo Cute!!!
I was so happy so get some pictures of William today! He is so big! 22 inches long and 13.6 pounds. I was so surprised to see all his hair gone but he is just so cute! The Dad says that in China they cut all the hair off of the babies to that the hair will grow back thicker. I am so glad he is doing so good.
I just cannot stop smiling! I want to just kiss his little face.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What to do?
I have a couple of options: Use the milk for my family, donate my milk to a hospital, sell it, or dump it. I feel like dumping it is a wast and I hate wasting. Having my family drink it grosses a lot of people out but if they like it why not..lol. I would not mind donating my milk but the hospitals pasteurize it which kills a lot of good stuff in it and then charges over $3.50 per oz!!! Crazy!! I think the best thing to do is sell it directly to some one who needs it for way cheaper.
I have been looking online for some one to sell my milk to. I have found crazy ads for all kinds of people who are looking for breast milk. I know it is only milk and I will probably never see them but I do not want some weirdo using my milk to get off! I want to make sure a baby who need it gets it. Through the ad I have found a Mother who is having quads that wants her babies to have breast milk.
Well, she is not having them, their Surrogate is!!! I thought it was so funny when she told me. We had a great talk about both of our surrogacy journey. It was so nice to talk to her. This is the second time they have done surrogacy with the same Surrogate. They had 4 embryos left after their first surrogacy and the Doctor told them that 2 were not viable but they decided to put all four in. Well they all implanted and now the Surrogate has been on bed rest since she was 24 weeks! They are just trying to keep them in.
I am glad I was able to find her so quickly. Finding someone to help so quickly has helped me to not be depressed. I am able to help this other family out with a blessing God has given me. I am so glad that he has put her in my life. Another thing is that she is not a Christian so I have another chance to let God work through me.Yippy! The lady I found to take my milk is happy she found me because the milk I am producing has more of a fat content because I delivered more recently. This is better for her babies because younger babies need the extra fat to help them gain weight.
If everything works out then I will pump for them for at least 6 months. In that time I hope to lose a total of 20 lbs, 10 lbs at a time. Since I have gotten back to my pre-baby weight I would like to go past it. I know I will have to do more than pump but I think pumping will help a lot. Another thing I want to start doing is walking. It will be good for our whole family to stay connected and workout.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Leaving to start their journey home
On Wednesday the family left to California. They have to get the baby's passport in LA and then onto San Francisco to get his Visa. They have to return to LA for their flight back to China. If everything goes well they will be home by May 7th a day before the baby's one month birthday.
Wednesday I was a mess! The Mom and I cried together like three times before they left. I was and am so sad to see them leave. I want to keep them here with us all the time but they need to go back to their own home. I have been so blessed because I was able to help them learn to take care of their little for almost 3 weeks. I got to watch them love him and experience all the new thing he did. I was able to be there for a lot of his firsts and even his first Easter. I had a wonderful time sharing with the parent how to and why we celebrate Easter from Jesus dieing on the cross to the bunny coming to fill the baskets. They told me that last year they were in New York taking the Mom's eggs out during Easter. That is awesome that it was one year later they were able to celebrate their baby. I feel so blessed to be apart of their lives.
After we said our goodbyes my daughter and I cried together on the couch. My husband, who was being very understanding and missing the family too, decided that it would be great for us to do something fun to get our mind off of the situation. We went bowling at the bowling alley that his Mom works at. When we got there I was reading all the encouraging things that people were saying to me on Facebook and I just started balling! I thought I had enough control of myself to say hi to a friend but as soon as she asked me how I was I started up again. I do not mind crying in front of people or telling them why I am upset but I think that people do not understand why I am crying. I was crying because the family that lived with us, sharing everything with us, who loves our children just as much as we do, and we love their child just and much as they do, left. I do not think that I have ever connected to someone the way I connected to this family. But it is not just me! My hubby and kids also connected with them. It is amazing that my hubby connected with them because he does not connect with anyone! Well outside of our family. I love the Family and am I sad that when I wake up I will not be able to see them....it is a selfish reason but that is how I feel. I miss them.
It has been two days and I still miss them but I am not crying all the time. I am looking forward to seeing my friends here again and getting back to our normal events.
3 weeks later
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Good Bye?....No, see you soon
I have had a couple great friends move away in the last year and I was able to wait until they left before I broke down, but not this time. The Dad came to me to thank me again for helping his family and I just started balling! I was able to get control of my self but the first time I saw the Mom I started crying again and just hugged her for so long! I know we will see them again and it will be so fun to travel to China to see them there. They have also said that they will come visit us every year which will be wonderful!!! I am just so sad to see them go but I did know that this was coming and thought I had prepared myself better. Our families just get along so well it is hard to think of us being apart.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
At the Docs

Sunday, April 17, 2011
A deeper level
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Do I love this little baby?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Intence stand off
1 day old!!!

William is doing great! He has gained 2 oz since his birth putting him at 8 lb 1oz. He did great last night waking up about every 2 hours but he did extend it to 4 hours once. He is a very quiet baby and is already smiling. He looks so cute when he looks around at this new world he is in.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Happy, warm, and in Mommy's arms
17 years in the making
William is here!!!

He was born at 9:42 am weighing in at 7 lb 15 oz and 19 in long!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
3 cm Dilated!!! Yippy!!!
At the Doctors appointment I talked to the Doctor about my "birth plan". The look on her face when I said "birth plan" was priceless! It was a mixture of oh great and panic. My "birth plan" has six things on it so the Doctor was very pleased that I did not have tons of demands. She agreed to all of them except one. I did not want to be given pitocin after the birth if I did not have it before the birth. The Doctor explained to me that she is more comfortable with me having the pitocin after the birth so that I do not bleed out. At the birth class they said that the shot of pitocin is better than the bag but the Doctor said they the same strength. I will have an IV so I would rather have it in the bag then the nurse give me a shot in my leg that will hurt. I am really ok with what the Doctor wants to do, I trust her knowledge and experience. I still want to have a personal experience and I think I will.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Am I on a roller coaster!?!
Other than that craziness I have been taking it easy. Thanks to my Mom2Mom group, friends, and family I have not made a full meal since I was first put on bed rest. I have warmed stuff up but I have not had to stand and make a meal. Another great thing about not cooking is not having to do DISHES!!! Yippy! I love cooking but dishes are my enemy! I am so thankful that I have been able to me on "light duty" as a Mom and still have my kids do mostly everything they normally do.
THANK YOU!!!! I appreciate all the support :-)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
They are here!!!
I found out that the Dad has been praticing his English so we are able to talk without a translator :-) It worried me when he was going to be our translator because I was not sure if he could understand everything but he did great! There was only one time that we had to look up a word to find the meaning in Chinese.
We talked about the baby's name today....the English name will be William! I could not believe it when they told me. My father's name is is William, my brother's name is William, and my son's middle name is William! For them to choose that name is crazy! That is all God. The reason they picked that name is because it means protector the same reason I choose it. Just another thing to show me that this was the right thing to do.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
My IV booboo
Monday, March 21, 2011
Bed rest :-(
The nurse was funny. She joked the entire time which was good to keep my mind away from the contractions. The Doctor ordered two more terbutaline shots, two bags of IV, nifedipine every 6 hours (it stops contractions), and for me to be on completed bed rest until I am 36 weeks. At least it is only a week. When the nurse put in my IV it felt like she was ripping through my skin!!! It hurt so bad! I hope all this works to keep this little guy in.