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The baby did great! He had to have his PKU test so we also had extra blood drawn to see how his jaundice is doing. When they took his blood he cried a little but most of the time he slept! I have never seen a baby sleep through nurses taking their blood. The nurses were so nice to him. It was a wonderful change from the Lab Tech last time. At the end of the draw the nurse said that he was cloting and they would have to stick him again. The Dad said "We quit", LOL!!! I told the nurse they would have to do the test with what the have. They did had enough blood to do the test. The baby's levels have gone down to 10, which is really good!
Before we left the appointment I asked the parents if they still wanted to do the circumcision. They said they have decided not to do the circumcision. I think that is best for them. They really did not do good with him crying. I do not think they could handle the way my son cried after his circumcision. I could barely handle it. The doctor that did my son's is not at that doctors office any more but he screamed so loud right after it was over. I was devastated. All I could think of was what had I done to my son! He turned out fine and if I have another son I will get him circumcised. I will make sure they use more pain meds.
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