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Thursday, December 30, 2010
My belly at 24 weeks
I was told yesterday I looked very big for 24 weeks. I am ok with that at least I have a reason for being big, lol!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What is going on?!?
Warning: This is very personal so read on at your own risk.
The other day I was sitting at the table an I felt dripping on my belly. I was confused to say the least. Then I realized I was leaking!!! I had just read that this week I will start producing milk but dripping I did not think would happen until after I had the baby! Oh well maybe Santa will bring me some nursing pads for Christmas.
I have a ultrasound today and they are going to check all his parts to make sure he is growing well. It should be just like the last big ultrasound I had when the parents were here. I am so happy at ultrasounds it is so fun to see babies swimming around in the there. From my last quick ultrasound the baby has plenty of fluid to swim around in. I also found out that when I am peeing that I am not getting all of it out which has caused some leaking which has not been fun. So longer trips to the restroom for me from now on.
I have had a sinus infection for a while now. I tried to get rid of it myself but that did not work so my OB gave me meds. There is not many anti-bionics that I can take so I always try to get rid of infections on my own, this time it did not work. Now I am feeling so much better and I have energy which I have not had in Months!
The other day I was sitting at the table an I felt dripping on my belly. I was confused to say the least. Then I realized I was leaking!!! I had just read that this week I will start producing milk but dripping I did not think would happen until after I had the baby! Oh well maybe Santa will bring me some nursing pads for Christmas.
I have a ultrasound today and they are going to check all his parts to make sure he is growing well. It should be just like the last big ultrasound I had when the parents were here. I am so happy at ultrasounds it is so fun to see babies swimming around in the there. From my last quick ultrasound the baby has plenty of fluid to swim around in. I also found out that when I am peeing that I am not getting all of it out which has caused some leaking which has not been fun. So longer trips to the restroom for me from now on.
I have had a sinus infection for a while now. I tried to get rid of it myself but that did not work so my OB gave me meds. There is not many anti-bionics that I can take so I always try to get rid of infections on my own, this time it did not work. Now I am feeling so much better and I have energy which I have not had in Months!
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Jumping for Joy
This week others have finally felt the baby move! Everyone in our house has had their turn feeling him kick. He is getting stronger and stronger, sometimes he feels like a popcorn machine going off in my belly. My kids were so excited to feel the baby move. I have been talking about feeling him move in by belly for weeks they were over joyed to be apart of that now.
The parents and I have been emailing eachother since they got back to China. I get so excited when I recieve an email from them. The Father can read and write English and it helps us feel closer together to be able to talk more than just once a month.
I have a doctor appointment on Wednesday with the specialist. I am going to the specialist because there is supposed to be more of a risk of premature birth when IVF is used. I thought that was weird because I felt the transfer was much more gentle than the regular way to get pregnant. I am sure it has to do with the meds though. The appointment should be quick but they are doing an ultrasound so I am excited to see the baby. I actually have three doctor appointment this month for the baby. Hopefully everything is fine and I will only have one appointment for a couple more months. Not that I mind going to the doctor it is just finding a sitter, the drive, the wait, missing out on what is going on at home, and one of my kids always want to come along which is not always a good ideas when pregnancy is involved.
The parents and I have been emailing eachother since they got back to China. I get so excited when I recieve an email from them. The Father can read and write English and it helps us feel closer together to be able to talk more than just once a month.
I have a doctor appointment on Wednesday with the specialist. I am going to the specialist because there is supposed to be more of a risk of premature birth when IVF is used. I thought that was weird because I felt the transfer was much more gentle than the regular way to get pregnant. I am sure it has to do with the meds though. The appointment should be quick but they are doing an ultrasound so I am excited to see the baby. I actually have three doctor appointment this month for the baby. Hopefully everything is fine and I will only have one appointment for a couple more months. Not that I mind going to the doctor it is just finding a sitter, the drive, the wait, missing out on what is going on at home, and one of my kids always want to come along which is not always a good ideas when pregnancy is involved.
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Friday, November 26, 2010
Crazy wonderful!!!!
My emotions were up and down all this week. Before the parents arrival I was freaking out organizing my house and cleaning. I needed to do a lot and of course I waited till the last moment to start what I needed to do. I was so nervous to meet the parents and Karrina shared with me that she was too. That made me less nervous and I was able to calm down. The good thing was that the parents did not come at the time that they were supposed to so I had more time! Yeah! I got all the pictures on my walls that I wanted to get up and I almost went through all the boxes that I needed to go through. I still have a couple of boxes that I will go through. I need to do one box a week or something, but I am more of an all or nothing girl. When I get the cleaning bug I just need to do it all. I also rearranged our living room to the way I have wanted it since we moved in. I like it much better!
When the parents got here on Tuesday we hit it off right away, I was so glad! We went to dinner and were there for about 3 hours just talking and learning about each other. The parents do speak some English, the husband more than the wife but we thankfully had two translators to interpret for us. The mother will spend a little more time here than the father but not much when the baby comes. They might come back around Chinese New Year which is in February. Karrina was excited because they might be here for her birthday. Karrina really likes the Mother she could not stop crying when they left. I can't believe that she got so attached to her in such a short time. Kaileb and the father were talking at dinner the first night it was great to watch. It was so loud in the restaurant but they were sitting together having their own conversation. I was very happy that the parents took a interest in my children they should me that they will be very loving with their own children.
During our conversations the Mother told me that they would like me to pump for the baby for the time that they are here. I am glad they want this because I think it is best for the baby. I hope I have enough milk and it all comes out ok, so to speak. They are glad that the baby will be an American citizen so that he will be able to go to an American school in China. There he will learn the English and Chinese language. They also want 3 children total! That is very exciting and the law stopping them from have more than one child does not apply because the child is not born in China. They would like me to carry the other children which would be great because then they do not have to get to know a new surrogate. I want to be a surrogate again so this is a great option for me because I will not have to find new parents. We have no agreement now but it is something to look forward to.
On Wednesday we had the ultrasound and it went great! It was great to see the baby and even the better to see how excited the parents were to see the baby! I do not know how to describe what I feel when I see the baby. I guess you would call it is like when you see a baby and you just want to hold it and kiss it, that is what I feel when I see the baby. I know that the parents must feel the same way but even more so because it is their own.
That night we went out for dinner at Mandalay Bay it was a beautiful restaurant. Allen's parents and grand parents were able to come and meet the parents. It was great to eat wonderful food and watch them all learn more about each other. We (our family) is very interested in the Chinese culture and how it all works. We hear a lot of things that are different than we think or are told they are about China. China is also such a big country things are different in different parts of China. I am very happy to have learned more about the parents and their culture. They are good people and I am so happy that we were brought together in this way.
When the parents got here on Tuesday we hit it off right away, I was so glad! We went to dinner and were there for about 3 hours just talking and learning about each other. The parents do speak some English, the husband more than the wife but we thankfully had two translators to interpret for us. The mother will spend a little more time here than the father but not much when the baby comes. They might come back around Chinese New Year which is in February. Karrina was excited because they might be here for her birthday. Karrina really likes the Mother she could not stop crying when they left. I can't believe that she got so attached to her in such a short time. Kaileb and the father were talking at dinner the first night it was great to watch. It was so loud in the restaurant but they were sitting together having their own conversation. I was very happy that the parents took a interest in my children they should me that they will be very loving with their own children.
During our conversations the Mother told me that they would like me to pump for the baby for the time that they are here. I am glad they want this because I think it is best for the baby. I hope I have enough milk and it all comes out ok, so to speak. They are glad that the baby will be an American citizen so that he will be able to go to an American school in China. There he will learn the English and Chinese language. They also want 3 children total! That is very exciting and the law stopping them from have more than one child does not apply because the child is not born in China. They would like me to carry the other children which would be great because then they do not have to get to know a new surrogate. I want to be a surrogate again so this is a great option for me because I will not have to find new parents. We have no agreement now but it is something to look forward to.
On Wednesday we had the ultrasound and it went great! It was great to see the baby and even the better to see how excited the parents were to see the baby! I do not know how to describe what I feel when I see the baby. I guess you would call it is like when you see a baby and you just want to hold it and kiss it, that is what I feel when I see the baby. I know that the parents must feel the same way but even more so because it is their own.
That night we went out for dinner at Mandalay Bay it was a beautiful restaurant. Allen's parents and grand parents were able to come and meet the parents. It was great to eat wonderful food and watch them all learn more about each other. We (our family) is very interested in the Chinese culture and how it all works. We hear a lot of things that are different than we think or are told they are about China. China is also such a big country things are different in different parts of China. I am very happy to have learned more about the parents and their culture. They are good people and I am so happy that we were brought together in this way.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
19th week!
I cannot believe that I am almost half way there! I am laying in bed feeling the baby move all around, it is nice. I am glad I can feel the baby move but I am excited for when the baby starts kicking hard enough that others can feel it too.
The parents are on their way to the U.S. right now. They are flying to LA then driving to Vegas on Tuesday. I have a lot to do before they get here. I need to do general house cleaning but I would love to get my pictures up so they can see them, and it would look so much nicer. I am so happy that my children's rooms are clean and staying clean. It has almost been a week! Our yard, back and front is looking good thanks to my hubby and some triming. Those were the big projects I wanted done and they are! Now for the little stuff.
The parents are on their way to the U.S. right now. They are flying to LA then driving to Vegas on Tuesday. I have a lot to do before they get here. I need to do general house cleaning but I would love to get my pictures up so they can see them, and it would look so much nicer. I am so happy that my children's rooms are clean and staying clean. It has almost been a week! Our yard, back and front is looking good thanks to my hubby and some triming. Those were the big projects I wanted done and they are! Now for the little stuff.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Doctors Appointment
Today I had a check up with my regular Doctor. I was very happy to find out that I have not gained any weight from my last appointment. I am NOT dieting just cooking our own meals which always makes it healthier. I still have been eating sweet treats with Halloween just passing so I am guessing that the baby is sucking it all up! I noticed this week that my rings are looser than they were before but my belly is starting to poke out so I know the baby is growing.
The Doctor's office gave me this great little book that I can record everything down in and it has helped me to have everything in one place. There is a place in it for questions I have for the Doctor but this time I forgot to write down the two major questions I had so I forgot them. I hate that! I need a new inhaler and I wanted to see if she could prescribe me one. I have had a little trouble breathing but nothing major. Also I wanted to ask her what can I do about my nose!!! I am ready for it to not be stuffy anymore.
The Doctor gave me the orders to get the down syndrome test done next week. I am going to talk to the parents to see if they wanted it done. I know that I had it done for my children but the results did not mean much to me. I would only of used them to educate myself on what I would need to do when the baby comes. I hope the parents feel the same.
The Doctor's office gave me this great little book that I can record everything down in and it has helped me to have everything in one place. There is a place in it for questions I have for the Doctor but this time I forgot to write down the two major questions I had so I forgot them. I hate that! I need a new inhaler and I wanted to see if she could prescribe me one. I have had a little trouble breathing but nothing major. Also I wanted to ask her what can I do about my nose!!! I am ready for it to not be stuffy anymore.
The Doctor gave me the orders to get the down syndrome test done next week. I am going to talk to the parents to see if they wanted it done. I know that I had it done for my children but the results did not mean much to me. I would only of used them to educate myself on what I would need to do when the baby comes. I hope the parents feel the same.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
How I feel
John 16:21b "When her child is born, her anguish gives way to joy because she has brought a new baby into the world." It is not just about having a baby it is so much more. It is about the joy of bring a new little life into the world. I am so happy to be giving this gift to another person. With surrogacy it is not just one surrogate bring a baby into the world it is two families the surrogate's and the parent's, and even more than that the Doctor, and the third party all working together. I am so happy with all the love and support I feel for this baby I know this is what I am ment to be doing.
Babies are such blessing to all who are around them. They teach us just as much as we teach them yet they will not know it untill they have babies of their own. I am so thankful I was able to have babies without any issues and that is why I want so much to help others.
Babies are such blessing to all who are around them. They teach us just as much as we teach them yet they will not know it untill they have babies of their own. I am so thankful I was able to have babies without any issues and that is why I want so much to help others.
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Things I learned today...
It is offical I cannot bend over anymore to pickup stuff up off the floor. On top of that some how my arms must of gotten shorter because I cannot reach things I could just a coulple of days ago.Well that is ok Allen and the kids will just have to pick from now on.
I also relized that when I am pregnant and I cry I feel pain, like my heart is literaly breaking. It hit me tonight when I was almost in tears (over something so small) and the pain struck my heart that I have had that same pain with my other pregnancies. I always wondered why it was diffrent. Has anyone else experienced this? I know I am way more emotional pregnant than not but the feeling just goes much deeper.
I cannot tell you how excited I am for the parents to be here! They might not stay for Thanksgiving but they do want to take my family including extended family to dinner while they are here. I am supposed to pick the place, so I'm on the search!
I also relized that when I am pregnant and I cry I feel pain, like my heart is literaly breaking. It hit me tonight when I was almost in tears (over something so small) and the pain struck my heart that I have had that same pain with my other pregnancies. I always wondered why it was diffrent. Has anyone else experienced this? I know I am way more emotional pregnant than not but the feeling just goes much deeper.
I cannot tell you how excited I am for the parents to be here! They might not stay for Thanksgiving but they do want to take my family including extended family to dinner while they are here. I am supposed to pick the place, so I'm on the search!
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All is going well
I am feeling really good. I have clothes that fit and show my little belly. I am feeling pregnant, baby moving and all that. All the good stuff I like about being pregnant is starting to happen. Yeah! To me it seems like it is all going so fast. I have a count down on my phone and every week I cannot wait to see the new pic they have of a baby the same age as the baby in my belly and to see the days left get lower and lower. I am in my 18th week so I am almost half way!
The parents come in less than two weeks so I am going through some things that I need to get rid of. It is very hard because I always come accross things that are so meaningful and I just have to keep going and finish going through the boxes. I do feel much better when I am done so it is worth it. I only have a couple of boxes left to go through and I have to hang our family pics and I will be done and very happy. Even my kids are getting into the decluttering spirit they have a nice size pile of toys that they want to give away. I am glad to see that but I would hate to give away their toys and then we have another baby...what to do?
The parents come in less than two weeks so I am going through some things that I need to get rid of. It is very hard because I always come accross things that are so meaningful and I just have to keep going and finish going through the boxes. I do feel much better when I am done so it is worth it. I only have a couple of boxes left to go through and I have to hang our family pics and I will be done and very happy. Even my kids are getting into the decluttering spirit they have a nice size pile of toys that they want to give away. I am glad to see that but I would hate to give away their toys and then we have another baby...what to do?
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
What is going on?
I know I just posted but I looked at which tells all about what is going on with me and baby during pregnancy. They are usual right on target! I have had a stuffy nose and I was worried that I was getting sick but the website says it can be from pregnancy and the cure is having the baby...I hope not! It comes and goes so I hope it goes and stays gone for a while. We will see.
They also talk about tenderness and that is right on target with me! I remember being tender with my other two but this feels like much more. I really am not complaining it is nice during private moments with hubby but inconvenient when it is not so private.
My weird dreams have started back up again. The feelings in them are so strong it is funny I can wake up mad, sad, happy, or scared all from a dream and it takes me a while to remind myself that it was just a dream. I like dreaming a lot I get disappointed when I do not have dreams so whatever happens in them I just deal with.
My emotions have ran wild this week I was just sitting on the couch watching TV and I looked at my dog and started balling over my sister. She gave us our dog a year and a half before she died... which I am so grateful for because she choose our dog just for us. I have reminders of her every where I just don't know when my body is going to let it out. I miss her greatly
They also talk about tenderness and that is right on target with me! I remember being tender with my other two but this feels like much more. I really am not complaining it is nice during private moments with hubby but inconvenient when it is not so private.
My weird dreams have started back up again. The feelings in them are so strong it is funny I can wake up mad, sad, happy, or scared all from a dream and it takes me a while to remind myself that it was just a dream. I like dreaming a lot I get disappointed when I do not have dreams so whatever happens in them I just deal with.
My emotions have ran wild this week I was just sitting on the couch watching TV and I looked at my dog and started balling over my sister. She gave us our dog a year and a half before she died... which I am so grateful for because she choose our dog just for us. I have reminders of her every where I just don't know when my body is going to let it out. I miss her greatly
I know what you are, I know what you are!
I talked to the parents last week and I learned more about them than I have in any conversation before. It is weird because we should be close because I have a part of them inside me but we do not even know each other. This conversation they really opened up, I was very glad.
They told me that the Mother wants a girl and the Dad wants a boy. That is how I thought it might of been they were just so happy to have either now that I am pregnant I think it took some pressure off so they could open up.
They are coming at the end of November for a sonogram. I wanted them to be there when we found out if it was a boy or girl but they asked me to find out now. I obliged them because they have been waiting for so long! I went to Sneak Peek Ultrasound (where I went for my own kids also) and found out....It'S A BOY!!! I also learned that they will be staying for Thanksgiving which will be nice because they will be able to meet our extended family.
At the end of our conversation they asked me what Allen and I liked so they can bring a present. This was very unusual for me I do not like asking for presents but the translator told me it was a tradition to bring a present as a guest. I really could not think of anything that would be suitable so I told them that we would like something traditional from China. I am excited to see what they bring.
The translator told me that the Mom is a great cook so when she comes I hope that she can cook me some yummy Chinese food, that sounds so good right now...
Here are the ultrasound pics, enjoy!
They told me that the Mother wants a girl and the Dad wants a boy. That is how I thought it might of been they were just so happy to have either now that I am pregnant I think it took some pressure off so they could open up.
They are coming at the end of November for a sonogram. I wanted them to be there when we found out if it was a boy or girl but they asked me to find out now. I obliged them because they have been waiting for so long! I went to Sneak Peek Ultrasound (where I went for my own kids also) and found out....It'S A BOY!!! I also learned that they will be staying for Thanksgiving which will be nice because they will be able to meet our extended family.
At the end of our conversation they asked me what Allen and I liked so they can bring a present. This was very unusual for me I do not like asking for presents but the translator told me it was a tradition to bring a present as a guest. I really could not think of anything that would be suitable so I told them that we would like something traditional from China. I am excited to see what they bring.
The translator told me that the Mom is a great cook so when she comes I hope that she can cook me some yummy Chinese food, that sounds so good right now...
Here are the ultrasound pics, enjoy!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Freaky Dreams
When you are pregnant you have dreams, weird dreams, freaky dreams! The difference is that they are soooo real! The other night I had one that was at an old friends house and we started seeing falling stars then they started was and Alien invasion! They announced, "Stay in your units." I was freaked! I grabbed all of my stuff and for some reason I was grabbing all of my kid's stuff too but they were not there, weird. I finally got out the door and there were these "men" gliding up to the houses. They looked like men but their skin was messed up almost like sloughing off of their face but not bleeding or anything. They had on long black robes that were very flowy. He glided up to me and said, "You were told to stay in your unit." I just felt fear! I woke up shaking. I look forward to dreams at night but not when I feel like that after.
I guess it is time for bed...
I guess it is time for bed...
Friday, October 15, 2010
A walk would be nice
We have started walking, not far just around the park near our house. I did not think I would have any issues but the first time we went I was sore for two days! That was two days We went again today and I am hoping that tomorrow I will be good. The kids want to go every day but I think every other day is better for me.
Yesterday I got my first pregnancy clothes! I also got comfy new shoes so my feet do not hurt. Today I have a very nice friend that is giving me some more. We have been blessed my our friends because we have been given clothes for Kaileb, then Karrina, and now me. All that is left is for Allen to get some clothes...but he will be buying new clothes, he deserves it.
Yesterday I got my first pregnancy clothes! I also got comfy new shoes so my feet do not hurt. Today I have a very nice friend that is giving me some more. We have been blessed my our friends because we have been given clothes for Kaileb, then Karrina, and now me. All that is left is for Allen to get some clothes...but he will be buying new clothes, he deserves it.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What's up Mom and Dad?
The other day I was able to talk to the parents, through a translator of course. I was so excited to speak to the parents! They sound so cute! The wife's voice is so feminine and the husband's voice is is very manly. They are so thankful that I am helping them have a baby and I am very thankful that they are helping our family. I was able to ask them questions I have been wanting to but I still have more...I always have more questions.
I cannot believe that I am in my 13 week! I feel like it is going slow then I stop and look back and I feel it has gone pretty quickly. The doctor just took me off my meds! I am very glad not to have to do that any more...the icky feelings are now gone, thank God! I had more energy today and went for a walk with the kids but we did take a 3 hour nap, which I enjoyed!
Sonograms are wonderful! There is this craving in me to see the baby so I am hoping for a sonogram soon. It is early but we could tell if it is a boy or girl already and I really want to know which the baby is! We will see...
I cannot believe that I am in my 13 week! I feel like it is going slow then I stop and look back and I feel it has gone pretty quickly. The doctor just took me off my meds! I am very glad not to have to do that any more...the icky feelings are now gone, thank God! I had more energy today and went for a walk with the kids but we did take a 3 hour nap, which I enjoyed!
Sonograms are wonderful! There is this craving in me to see the baby so I am hoping for a sonogram soon. It is early but we could tell if it is a boy or girl already and I really want to know which the baby is! We will see...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Could this be kicking?
I swear that I am feeling this baby move all around! I first felt it in my 9th week it caught me off guard but I know it is not When I was pregnant with my second child I felt him move early also. What I am feeling is like a yo-yo spinning in my lower belly, then I will also feel a definite kick. At my last ultrasound I saw the baby move and felt it at the same time so I not crazy!
I have been REALLY TIRED! But today I am in my 12th week!!! and that means that I am not going to be tired any more...right? Well, that is what I am hoping for.
I am going to talk to the parents for the first time next week. I am very happy that I will be able to hear their voices even if what we say will have to be translated. I can't wait to meet them in November!
I went for my first Doctor appointment last week and the Doctor was so excited to be apart of this experience. That made me all joyful inside! I get to see her once a month for now. I am really happy that I am going to her because she thinks like me, analyzing what needs to be done. Most patients she has to ask the same questions, all the same old thing. But with me she has to think about what tests, and information she needs for the baby so she gets to use her nice :-)
I have been REALLY TIRED! But today I am in my 12th week!!! and that means that I am not going to be tired any more...right? Well, that is what I am hoping for.
I am going to talk to the parents for the first time next week. I am very happy that I will be able to hear their voices even if what we say will have to be translated. I can't wait to meet them in November!
I went for my first Doctor appointment last week and the Doctor was so excited to be apart of this experience. That made me all joyful inside! I get to see her once a month for now. I am really happy that I am going to her because she thinks like me, analyzing what needs to be done. Most patients she has to ask the same questions, all the same old thing. But with me she has to think about what tests, and information she needs for the baby so she gets to use her nice :-)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010 how I feel
I have not felt very well after my internal ultrasound...I had some bleeding that worried me but the Doctor said it is fine. Now I think I have a little cold that I hope I get over soon. I have a lot going on right now and being sick is not on the schedule.
I have one more ultrasound before the fertility doctor releases me. I hope I do not feel this way for a week after that ultrasound! Back to bed I go
I have one more ultrasound before the fertility doctor releases me. I hope I do not feel this way for a week after that ultrasound! Back to bed I go
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Stop the presses....News, News, News!
I just found out that I will not be going to D.C. but the parents are going to come here!!! I am so excited! No definite date has been set but it should be around the end of November. I will be able to share with them a part of my life and hopefully plant a seed of Christianity in their hearts. They are coming around this time so that they can be here to see the baby and find out if it is a boy or girl but they do not have a preference.
They sound so nice. I was told that when I had my first ultrasound the father was txting over and over to find out how it went, just so excited. I am very glad to hear this because it shows me how much they care and want to be involved even though they are so faraway. I really would like to be able to speak to them in their own language. I know a little but not enough to have a conversation but I am not working hard enough on it, pray for me.
They sound so nice. I was told that when I had my first ultrasound the father was txting over and over to find out how it went, just so excited. I am very glad to hear this because it shows me how much they care and want to be involved even though they are so faraway. I really would like to be able to speak to them in their own language. I know a little but not enough to have a conversation but I am not working hard enough on it, pray for me.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pregnancy in full swing
I feel so pregnant even though I am only in my 9th week! I am having weird dreams, cravings I can't shake, my top half is busting out of every bra I own (hubby is happy), and I my bottom half...that would be a long list. Don't get me wrong I love being pregnant there are still things I don't like. This pregnancy has been very different from my others because of the hormones that I am taking to help the baby stay put. They have made everything get bigger faster! It has been annoying taking the hormones but it is worth it to help this family have a baby of their own. I am actually lucky because most of the time you have to take way more meds!
Not all of what is going on is bad. I get to eat what I crave and not worry about it, I like that very much! I need new cloths because I already do not fit in to my regular cloths. Shopping? Great! I knew what I wanted, went to the first store I thought of, and there it was...I great deal on some cute dresses. After my 12th week I will get some pregnancy clothes but I only have so many cloths I can wear now. I needed the dresses and they will last a long time even after I have the baby.
Not all of what is going on is bad. I get to eat what I crave and not worry about it, I like that very much! I need new cloths because I already do not fit in to my regular cloths. Shopping? Great! I knew what I wanted, went to the first store I thought of, and there it was...I great deal on some cute dresses. After my 12th week I will get some pregnancy clothes but I only have so many cloths I can wear now. I needed the dresses and they will last a long time even after I have the baby.
Peanut in my belly!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
It's in there!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
All booked and ready to go
I found a friend to come with me on my all expense paid trip to New York City (for the sonogram). I know we will have a great time! I hope we can see a lot in the short time we are going to be there. We have our flight plans, our hotel, and they are for the right day and in the right name this time, which is a plus!
When I was putting my son to bed he said he wanted to see the baby in my belly. So cute! I told him I will bring back lots of pictures of the baby when I come back from New York. Then we talked about the baby not being our. I told him it is a Chinese baby so it cannot be ours. His reply was, "Yes it can, I like Chinese food." I just busted up laughing! We talked it over and he is starting to understand that I am doing this to help another family have a baby because they cannot. He was happy in the end.
I am also very excited to see the baby! I will be in my eighth week so they should be able to see the baby pretty good. We will not be able to see if it is a boy or girl yet...we have a ways to go for that.
In some bad news I talked to the Chinese Coordinator over a week ago about some questions about the parents and she has not gotten back to me yet. Frustrating, but I know it takes time to get messages pasted along. This is how it has to be because of the language and time difference....I need to keep up on my Chinese lessons if I want it to be any better.
When I was putting my son to bed he said he wanted to see the baby in my belly. So cute! I told him I will bring back lots of pictures of the baby when I come back from New York. Then we talked about the baby not being our. I told him it is a Chinese baby so it cannot be ours. His reply was, "Yes it can, I like Chinese food." I just busted up laughing! We talked it over and he is starting to understand that I am doing this to help another family have a baby because they cannot. He was happy in the end.
I am also very excited to see the baby! I will be in my eighth week so they should be able to see the baby pretty good. We will not be able to see if it is a boy or girl yet...we have a ways to go for that.
In some bad news I talked to the Chinese Coordinator over a week ago about some questions about the parents and she has not gotten back to me yet. Frustrating, but I know it takes time to get messages pasted along. This is how it has to be because of the language and time difference....I need to keep up on my Chinese lessons if I want it to be any better.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Am I special?
I have been contemplating if my daughter should continue to be in the GATE program in her school. I know she is wonderful but is it just because I am her Mother? Am I seeing the truth? Is she really special??? She will always be special to me because she is my baby girl no matter what the school says and I know God will use her in a big way. She is going to get an IQ test on Wednesday and we will see what they think.
All of this made me ask myself if I am special...everyone keeps telling me I am because I am being a surrogate. This bothers me a little, not that it is bad or I cannot take a complement just that I feel it is normal for me. It just fits me and it feels right. It is like someone who can sing really good but does not know it, then they sing for someone and they are told for the first time they are an awesome singer. Yeah, that is how I feel. It's normal for me but extraordinary for others.
Praying about this God has shown me that this is a gift he has given to me and I am special. That makes me :-) God thinks I'm special!
I got some news today that I have to go back to New York to have the sonogram done next week. I am happy that I get to go back but I am also sad because Allen will not be coming. We had babysitter issues last time and he cannot get off of work so it will be better if he stays. Now I have to find someone to go with me...which you would think would be easy but school just started and it is right after Labor day so everyone has extra days off that week already. I hope some one can come I do not want to go by myself but if I have to I will. Worst of all I have to have it arranged by tomorrow!!!!
All of this made me ask myself if I am special...everyone keeps telling me I am because I am being a surrogate. This bothers me a little, not that it is bad or I cannot take a complement just that I feel it is normal for me. It just fits me and it feels right. It is like someone who can sing really good but does not know it, then they sing for someone and they are told for the first time they are an awesome singer. Yeah, that is how I feel. It's normal for me but extraordinary for others.
Praying about this God has shown me that this is a gift he has given to me and I am special. That makes me :-) God thinks I'm special!
I got some news today that I have to go back to New York to have the sonogram done next week. I am happy that I get to go back but I am also sad because Allen will not be coming. We had babysitter issues last time and he cannot get off of work so it will be better if he stays. Now I have to find someone to go with me...which you would think would be easy but school just started and it is right after Labor day so everyone has extra days off that week already. I hope some one can come I do not want to go by myself but if I have to I will. Worst of all I have to have it arranged by tomorrow!!!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Great test!
My numbers are doubling as they should be so I am very happy! My Sonogram is scheduled for September 6th I am very excited to see the little baby in my belly!
I am feeling the mood swings of the pregnancy this week. I have had a couple of episodes where my emotions just well up and I gave in. I need to be more aware of it and pray before I react. Doing that will be better for everyone!
We changed insurances because Allen was offered insurance through his work. It is not the greatest but it covers more than our old insurance and it will actually be cheaper. Now we have to wait for our cards.
I talked to the parents about how they want the birth to go and they want me to have the baby in a hospital. I am fine with that I was hoping to have the baby in a birthing center but I came to find out that Las Vegas does not have any birthing center. The midwives I talked to said it was a political thing...I do not know but it is weird. Since they want me to have it in a hospital I can not go to a midwife because they do not deliver in hospitals. So I am going to go back to the doctor office that I went to when I had Kaileb. I liked the office but not really the doctor I went to so I am going to try a different Doctor in that office. I will keep you updated on the progress.
I am feeling the mood swings of the pregnancy this week. I have had a couple of episodes where my emotions just well up and I gave in. I need to be more aware of it and pray before I react. Doing that will be better for everyone!
We changed insurances because Allen was offered insurance through his work. It is not the greatest but it covers more than our old insurance and it will actually be cheaper. Now we have to wait for our cards.
I talked to the parents about how they want the birth to go and they want me to have the baby in a hospital. I am fine with that I was hoping to have the baby in a birthing center but I came to find out that Las Vegas does not have any birthing center. The midwives I talked to said it was a political thing...I do not know but it is weird. Since they want me to have it in a hospital I can not go to a midwife because they do not deliver in hospitals. So I am going to go back to the doctor office that I went to when I had Kaileb. I liked the office but not really the doctor I went to so I am going to try a different Doctor in that office. I will keep you updated on the progress.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
HCG test
It is funny that even now when I take an HCG test I get scared it will be negative. With the Mother's history of losing her babies before 12 weeks I will be uneasy until the 12 week mark. The loss of this child would be horrible. I know the baby is not mine but it is a life and something I do not want to lose. I am doing this to help the family have a baby, and that is what I pray I will do. When I have the ultrasound I think that will help ease my mind, just to see the baby.
I have found out that the third party contact next week will have a Chinese coordinator so that I do not have to go through the doctor's office to contact the parents. I am hopeful that I will have more contact with them when that happens. I am sure they have the same or more concerns that I do about the baby. After 12 weeks we will all be more comfortable.
I have one more HCG test next week before the ultrasound...I pray it will be good :-)
I have found out that the third party contact next week will have a Chinese coordinator so that I do not have to go through the doctor's office to contact the parents. I am hopeful that I will have more contact with them when that happens. I am sure they have the same or more concerns that I do about the baby. After 12 weeks we will all be more comfortable.
I have one more HCG test next week before the ultrasound...I pray it will be good :-)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
God, his part
I do not think I explain how much I know God is a part of this surrogacy. I have felt the pull to be a surrogate since I was pregnant with my son who is 4 now. I feel God did not let me get pregnant with my own child so that I could do surrogacy for this family. I have prayed that he will use me to minister to others and I think this is it. I am not sure on the details but I am going to take it step by step.
Pregnancy is such a miracle, even with all the doctors do it is up to God to make it stick. I feel I did everything wrong at the transfer. We had to leave the hotel by 10 so we left earlier and walked around New York. We were on an airplane 24 hours after the transfer. We were intimate after we found out I was pregnant. All the things I have read say to be on Bed rest for at least 24 hours, not to travel for at least 3 days, and no intimacy for longer then the doctor's office said...2 days after transfer! It seems like every office has a different plan but it's God who is in charge. It takes God's helping hand to make the transfer work or not.
I am glad that God let it work for me because it shows me that I am on his path not my own.
Pregnancy is such a miracle, even with all the doctors do it is up to God to make it stick. I feel I did everything wrong at the transfer. We had to leave the hotel by 10 so we left earlier and walked around New York. We were on an airplane 24 hours after the transfer. We were intimate after we found out I was pregnant. All the things I have read say to be on Bed rest for at least 24 hours, not to travel for at least 3 days, and no intimacy for longer then the doctor's office said...2 days after transfer! It seems like every office has a different plan but it's God who is in charge. It takes God's helping hand to make the transfer work or not.
I am glad that God let it work for me because it shows me that I am on his path not my own.
Great test results at an evil lab
I went to Lab Corp. yesterday to check my progesterone, estrogen, and HCG levels. I normally go to Quest but the office is closed on Saturday. It started out ruff when i sat in the waiting room for 45 min. When I was finally callen up the secratary could not find my orders so she handed me the stack of about 50 peoples orders and told me to find mine! I could not believe it! "Is she for real?" is all I could think. My orders were the second page in the huge stack. When I showed her she looked it over and said where is your name? It was right there in BOLD!
On to the next problem...They wanted me to pay with my credit card and would not let me have my test done unless I produced one. I tried to explain to them I am a surrogate and they are supposed to bill the doctor but if they could not do that then they could just bill me. No, no, no, they could not do that. I called my third party contact for the surrogacy and he tried to give them the parents credit card but they would not take that either!!! Oh and my order was STAT so it needed to be done right away. So finally the highest ranking tech who kept repeating, my hands are tied,my hands are tied, called her manager and she said to do the test.
So I got the test and I was grateful it was over...or so I thought. I called the lab to get my results and the same Secretary answered the phone. I promptly identified myself and she remembered me from all the issues we had. She told me that she would give me my results if I did not call and complain about her. What????? Now she is going to bribe me with my results!!! I could not believe it! I wanted to make sure everything was going well with the pregnancy so I said yes. She told me she would get them and call me back. After waiting for her call I called her and she kept saying she will give them to me...she did not! I felt so used and mistreated. I miss Quest they are always so nice. I will never do testing on the weekend again.
I did get a call from the doctor today and my level is a 86 which is double what it was last time and that is exactly what we want.
After it all, I am happy.
On to the next problem...They wanted me to pay with my credit card and would not let me have my test done unless I produced one. I tried to explain to them I am a surrogate and they are supposed to bill the doctor but if they could not do that then they could just bill me. No, no, no, they could not do that. I called my third party contact for the surrogacy and he tried to give them the parents credit card but they would not take that either!!! Oh and my order was STAT so it needed to be done right away. So finally the highest ranking tech who kept repeating, my hands are tied,my hands are tied, called her manager and she said to do the test.
So I got the test and I was grateful it was over...or so I thought. I called the lab to get my results and the same Secretary answered the phone. I promptly identified myself and she remembered me from all the issues we had. She told me that she would give me my results if I did not call and complain about her. What????? Now she is going to bribe me with my results!!! I could not believe it! I wanted to make sure everything was going well with the pregnancy so I said yes. She told me she would get them and call me back. After waiting for her call I called her and she kept saying she will give them to me...she did not! I felt so used and mistreated. I miss Quest they are always so nice. I will never do testing on the weekend again.
I did get a call from the doctor today and my level is a 86 which is double what it was last time and that is exactly what we want.
After it all, I am happy.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I'm Prego!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Glad to be home
The trip and transfer went well...Well the trip had its ups and downs but over all we had a great experience and I hope I am pregnant! With every thing leading up to the transfer I did not think about waiting to see if it took, I just assumed it would work. So now I have a appointment on Thursday to see if I am pregnant. More waiting!
I think I am pregnant because I can feel that my uterus is BIGGER! But I second guess my self because I am on the hormones and they could be making me "swell". I have been looking online for more info on a transfer and it seems to be the consensus that if it takes it takes you can do nothing to help it or hurt it. One website said the uterus is a weightless environment! That is crazy to think inside each women in a space that is! I hope it holds on and I am able to give the parents the best gift on earth, life.
I think I am pregnant because I can feel that my uterus is BIGGER! But I second guess my self because I am on the hormones and they could be making me "swell". I have been looking online for more info on a transfer and it seems to be the consensus that if it takes it takes you can do nothing to help it or hurt it. One website said the uterus is a weightless environment! That is crazy to think inside each women in a space that is! I hope it holds on and I am able to give the parents the best gift on earth, life.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

the bubble on the left has the tiny embrio in it. yea!!!
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I have a little tiny embrio inside me! I am so happy to do this for the couple the Doc told me they have been tring for over 7 years. They have become pregnant MANY TIMES, naturaly and through IVF but each time she lost the baby. My heart beraks for these parents to go up to 12 weeks then loose a child would be so hard. Pray that this baby likes my "oven" and stays in it for at least 9 months!
The transfer was not bad. They had to clean me out because of the medicine I have been taking so that was unconfortable but it only took about 10 min. To think all this waiting for 10 min! I am a little sore but I am going to just take it easy and I hope to find out if it took in a couple of weeks!
Our trip to New York City has been great! We walked around this morrning so we could rest after the transfer. I still need to go to Carlo's Bakery but I hope to go right befor I leave for Las Vegas.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ticket date was wrong so we have to take a later flight. I did not have anyones personal phone number at the agency so I had to email everyone and hope someone checked it. They did sooooo happy and now we are on a later flight, thank God! It got a little stressfull!

This is the lady that checked us in and twice as I was talking to her she just started talking to someone else...not liking Delta
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
check, check, check
We have a babysitter, dog-sitter, house-sitter, and a way to get to the airport! I feel much better and a day in advance! That never happens with me...I guess I am turning over a new leaf.
Do not know the effects of the Progesterone and estrogen but last night I could not eat enough food to save my life! I have been soooo good at not over eating and being satisfied and I just through that all out the window! This morning I was still full so I did not eat till 11 am. I talked to the Nurse at the Fertility clinic yesterday and I had been taking a double dose of estrogen because the bottle said two a day but I wrote one a day so I doubted myself and took two a day. The Nurse laughed at me when I told her I took two a day! I think it is a big deal... I wonder why?
That is for another time :-)
Do not know the effects of the Progesterone and estrogen but last night I could not eat enough food to save my life! I have been soooo good at not over eating and being satisfied and I just through that all out the window! This morning I was still full so I did not eat till 11 am. I talked to the Nurse at the Fertility clinic yesterday and I had been taking a double dose of estrogen because the bottle said two a day but I wrote one a day so I doubted myself and took two a day. The Nurse laughed at me when I told her I took two a day! I think it is a big deal... I wonder why?
That is for another time :-)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
It might get a little graphic here so read on at you own risk....
I received the estrogen and progesterone that I will be taking to help the baby hold on. I also started taking them today and the progesterone I have to put in my you know what!!!! Well I guess it is better than having the shots. I have a great friend that had the shots and it hurt her so bad that she could hardly walk! So this is better than that just icky :-Z The medicine should come with an insert I know they have them!
I am glad I started the pills it just makes me feel more certain that this is going to happen. It has been such a long journey that I feel something can go wrong at any minute. That is one reason why I cannot wait for the transfer to happen. I know that many things can go wrong even after the transfer it is just that I know I found parents that really want to do this.
I just think of how the parents feel I know it has probably been even a longer journey for them. So I am very happy that it is happening within a week! Happy for them and me.
I received the estrogen and progesterone that I will be taking to help the baby hold on. I also started taking them today and the progesterone I have to put in my you know what!!!! Well I guess it is better than having the shots. I have a great friend that had the shots and it hurt her so bad that she could hardly walk! So this is better than that just icky :-Z The medicine should come with an insert I know they have them!
I am glad I started the pills it just makes me feel more certain that this is going to happen. It has been such a long journey that I feel something can go wrong at any minute. That is one reason why I cannot wait for the transfer to happen. I know that many things can go wrong even after the transfer it is just that I know I found parents that really want to do this.
I just think of how the parents feel I know it has probably been even a longer journey for them. So I am very happy that it is happening within a week! Happy for them and me.
Flight, Hotel, .....New York!!!!
So I got the news that I am going to New York next week! The best thing is my Hubby gets to come too! His work just changed his schedule so he had the days off that we are going. The third party agency was very quick to get the flight and hotel booked for us. Which was great for the little fact that it was the only thing that went fast in this entire process! I found a sitter for the kids, the garden, and now I need one for the dog...we will see on that one.
I did realize something...If all goes according to plan the day of the transfer will be the same day that my Sister died last year.... A heart wrenching realization at such a wonderful time. Life for a life. Not that I am looking to or could ever replace my Sister, that will never happen she was unique, just life ending and beginning again. Kind of ironic.
I am over joyed that I am able to be on this journey with this family to help them have a child uniquely their own.
I did realize something...If all goes according to plan the day of the transfer will be the same day that my Sister died last year.... A heart wrenching realization at such a wonderful time. Life for a life. Not that I am looking to or could ever replace my Sister, that will never happen she was unique, just life ending and beginning again. Kind of ironic.
I am over joyed that I am able to be on this journey with this family to help them have a child uniquely their own.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
So excited!!!!
I had lab work and a sonogram today and I found out I will be going to New York NEXT WEEK!!!! I cannot wait to be implanted and get this show on the road. I feel like I am not doing anything until I am implanted and I really want to do something!
The doctor that I am working with tries to use as little drugs (progesterone and estrogen) as possible so I will only be on the drugs for a small amount of time. I like that because I do not like to put fake stuff in to my body but I want to have them to make sure the baby holds on.
This is all going to be worth it!
The doctor that I am working with tries to use as little drugs (progesterone and estrogen) as possible so I will only be on the drugs for a small amount of time. I like that because I do not like to put fake stuff in to my body but I want to have them to make sure the baby holds on.
This is all going to be worth it!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Testing to come
I have another appointment for a sonogram and blood work on Wednesday to see where I am. My contact at the doctor's office in New York said I will be implanted the end of July. The dates are just going to get clearer from this point on. Which is a good thing.
I am so happy that all my tests have come back good. It just has really confirmed to me that this is what God wants for my life. I cannot wait to meet -either over email or in person the parents of the child I will be birthing. The contract is being printed up and after that I think I will send them an email asking them about their story. I am very interested in why and how of their journey.
I am so happy that all my tests have come back good. It just has really confirmed to me that this is what God wants for my life. I cannot wait to meet -either over email or in person the parents of the child I will be birthing. The contract is being printed up and after that I think I will send them an email asking them about their story. I am very interested in why and how of their journey.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Period. Period.
On the 2nd of July I thought that I started my period. It was light but I thought it would start flowing, it did not. So I had told the fertility clinic that I had started so I went in for some testing, blood work and a sonogram to see how thick my lining was. Well I was thick and if it was after my period it should of been I was at the perfect thickness, 8mm for implantation the Doctor said but I was not on the medications I needed to be on yet.
So today I started my real period which I knew would happen right after my testing. I get so worried when I get testing done! You know you think about everything that can be wrong probably is...then you find out you are fine, and you did not need to worry AT ALL!
The fertility clinic let me know today that I will be implanted my the beginning of August!!! I am very excited!! I get to go to New York twice and I hope at least one time Allen, my hubby will be able to come too.
I am hoping that I will be able to meet the Intended Parents at least when I get implanted. Since we are going to be so far away from each other I plan to email them at least once a week to let them know about the pregnancy. I am getting nervous about talking to them...why do I do that?!? I know only good can come out of it. I feel so weird I am willing to help bring their child into the world but I do not know how to start a conversation with them. I feel silly. I know I will feel better when all is set up.
I know this is the right thing for me to do I have peace about that it is all the other stuff and my excitement that is getting me worked up.
So today I started my real period which I knew would happen right after my testing. I get so worried when I get testing done! You know you think about everything that can be wrong probably is...then you find out you are fine, and you did not need to worry AT ALL!
The fertility clinic let me know today that I will be implanted my the beginning of August!!! I am very excited!! I get to go to New York twice and I hope at least one time Allen, my hubby will be able to come too.
I am hoping that I will be able to meet the Intended Parents at least when I get implanted. Since we are going to be so far away from each other I plan to email them at least once a week to let them know about the pregnancy. I am getting nervous about talking to them...why do I do that?!? I know only good can come out of it. I feel so weird I am willing to help bring their child into the world but I do not know how to start a conversation with them. I feel silly. I know I will feel better when all is set up.
I know this is the right thing for me to do I have peace about that it is all the other stuff and my excitement that is getting me worked up.
Friday, July 2, 2010
So plans have changed a little... the family I was planing to be a surrogate for needed to wait so I signed up with a surrogacy center that found me Intended Parents ready to start the process. The couple is in China and they do not speak English. I am being out sourced to China!!! No really, it is illegal to have a gestational surrogate in China so they are doing it in America. They have already gone through the process of taking out the egg and sperm to make the embryo it is blastocyst and frozen in New York. I am going to fly out to New York to be implanted as soon as I get my cycle...I cant wait!!!
The funny thing is that I have been praying for patience and I have had many opportunities to learn patience this week. Waiting for my cycle to start, is one. My car transmission has gone out and we will have to wait to fix it, that's two. My van, because of the transmission problem, will only go up to 35 mph!!! I still have to drive it, that's three. Through it all I have learned and am continuing to learn patience.
The other day I had a customer service lady freak out on me but through God I as able to stay calm and defuse the situation (That is not normal for me). She gave me my appointment time and apologized out of obligation. I was satisfied and moved on. The next day she called me first thing in the morning and sincerely apologized and moved my appointment up to that day. She was so sweet and really felt bad. I was able to stay calm in the situation and God was able to change her heart with out me interfering.
I am very excited to start the surrogacy process but the time will come at the time it needs to. I just need to wait.
The funny thing is that I have been praying for patience and I have had many opportunities to learn patience this week. Waiting for my cycle to start, is one. My car transmission has gone out and we will have to wait to fix it, that's two. My van, because of the transmission problem, will only go up to 35 mph!!! I still have to drive it, that's three. Through it all I have learned and am continuing to learn patience.
The other day I had a customer service lady freak out on me but through God I as able to stay calm and defuse the situation (That is not normal for me). She gave me my appointment time and apologized out of obligation. I was satisfied and moved on. The next day she called me first thing in the morning and sincerely apologized and moved my appointment up to that day. She was so sweet and really felt bad. I was able to stay calm in the situation and God was able to change her heart with out me interfering.
I am very excited to start the surrogacy process but the time will come at the time it needs to. I just need to wait.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I have wanted to help a family for about 3 years. It is just something I feel drawn to do. Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful thing in the world! The baby growing inside the life that God created is in you and you are blessed to be able to be apart of it. That is why I want to share my gift with others.
The family that I will be helping are Christian and our values are aligned in very much the same ways. We have found each other and are now waiting to find a doctor to help in the process. I hope they can find a doctor soon because I am very excited to start the process and put a little bun in my oven!
The family that I will be helping are Christian and our values are aligned in very much the same ways. We have found each other and are now waiting to find a doctor to help in the process. I hope they can find a doctor soon because I am very excited to start the process and put a little bun in my oven!
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