Friday, July 2, 2010


So plans have changed a little... the family I was planing to be a surrogate for needed to wait so I signed up with a surrogacy center that found me Intended Parents ready to start the process. The couple is in China and they do not speak English. I am being out sourced to China!!! No really, it is illegal to have a gestational surrogate in China so they are doing it in America. They have already gone through the process of taking out the egg and sperm to make the embryo it is blastocyst and frozen in New York. I am going to fly out to New York to be implanted as soon as I get my cycle...I cant wait!!!
The funny thing is that I have been praying for patience and I have had many opportunities to learn patience this week. Waiting for my cycle to start, is one. My car transmission has gone out and we will have to wait to fix it, that's two. My van, because of the transmission problem, will only go up to 35 mph!!! I still have to drive it, that's three. Through it all I have learned and am continuing to learn patience.
The other day I had a customer service lady freak out on me but through God I as able to stay calm and defuse the situation (That is not normal for me). She gave me my appointment time and apologized out of obligation. I was satisfied and moved on. The next day she called me first thing in the morning and sincerely apologized and moved my appointment up to that day. She was so sweet and really felt bad. I was able to stay calm in the situation and God was able to change her heart with out me interfering.
I am very excited to start the surrogacy process but the time will come at the time it needs to. I just need to wait.

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