Sunday, March 20, 2011

The parents are coming!!!

 Saturday morning I went into the hospital to be checked and I was 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced! We have been trying to get a hold of the parents since then. Finally we got a hold of them today and they should be her Monday or Tuesday. I cannot wait! I hope to hold this baby in as long as possible but that is hard to do.
  I am drinking so much water, eating small meals, sitting or laying down, and trying to stay relaxed. So far so good but it feels like I am having one long contraction with it getting stronger once in a while. At the Hypnobirthing class my contractions were every 8 min. When we got home I took an albuterol treatment in hopes that the contractions would lessen like at the hospital. The nurse told me that terbutaline was an asthma medication so I though that I could use albuteral and get the same effect. I feel that it did help but did not stop the contractions, it kind of just messed them up. My contractions were every 8 minutes now it is...hard to tell because it feels like they are all the time. Doing nothing never was so exhausting.  

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